The video that you are about to watch
You Can Be a Part to Change The World as Stephen Pierce said,
"For A Greater Cause"

Turn up your speakers. Enjoy this Hollywood Movie Trailer!

The Video you just watched explodes the amount of energy that we can pass to others when we see the need for others and not ourselves more important.

We Can Change The World!

We Can Be Unstoppable!

I ask that you would look into your hearts by purchasing this amazing software and web graphics package and as You do, You can be a part as we come together to change the world by
Paying it Forward!
$3 is all I'm asking to help another person get started.
Immediate download: No waiting.After your purchase, you will be directed to the download page.

webpkg (4K)Louis Allport's "Master Web Graphics in Ten Easy steps" Very helpful videos
boxsmall (4K)bonus (4K)

and as an appreciation not one but Two Unique pieces of software
The first is "The Unique Software of the Decade" yours Free. Discover why this software is so unique

Another Unique and Amazing Software:
"IMAGINE EVERYTHING You Need (text writer, picture maker, screen capture, voice recorder, EVERYTHING), In ONE Program to make DAZZLING Products with ease, Practically out of THIN AIR!

Combine audio with text and graphics all in one digital product and now you have something unique.It is so COOL and easy a child can use it.

Imagine YOU have created your first WOW! eBook that

every Page can play Audio - with a DIFFERENT AUDIO of your choice for each page, or if you like your favourite Music: You can also add a Commentary, even the voice of someone reading the text.

Every page can scroll - the text 'rolls up' - as they read, hands free.

a handful of simple [BUTTONS]... ...can make ALL the fonts on ALL the pages bigger - and the text is crisp.

...can display a complete Table of Contents - built for you.

...make the eBook run automated:

audio plays WHILE the text is displayed and scrolls (rolls up, hands free) as they read(!) and the pages turn automatically to the next page when audio and scrolling are done.

simple LINKS in the text

...display "message bubbles" when the mouse touches them. can have it display and play Video or
...display PDF file (maybe even one written by someone else!)or where it
...EXECUTES software OR UNZIPS files inside the eBook
...opens a web browser that takes them to a website of your designation - WITHOUT revealing an affiliate ID And yet you never, ever, wrote a single line of CODE, HTML or otherwise. What an amazing software.
To find out more Click here.
Dismiss the price on the page at this present. 'How much you will usually pay for this amazing and beneficial software? Well not this price! Click on the order button and you will be shown a very Special price.
This Price is Only available from this site and no where else on the net! Thank You.

Ceo Warren Edser and staff wish to thank you for your kindness.


It seems that after watching the movie and listening to end of the hesitation by Helen Hunt, though with high respect to this amazing actress, there should have been one answer..
Here are some questions I received.
Q:'why should I purchase some web graphics package to help another person?
A: if you read above we are 'Paying it Forward'.
I didn't want to sell anything, I wanted to give it away.

If I sell something so beneficial maybe you would see the inner world a bit more clear and make life Special.In doing you have Open the inner world and manifesting what the movie is saying.'Paying It Forward'.

You see before the movie 'Pay It Forward' came out I was helping so many people. One of My family members is in Urgent need and I am trying to make enough money to invite and try as best I can for Suzi Q to give her a special visit and sing a few songs.

Suzi Q is her idol. My sister dulled herself up like Suzi with jacket and pants and sang even Suzi would have been impressed. We don't know whether she will be the same again in a few years or even be able to comprehend. So while she is able to comprehend and do things now, I want to give my sister this greatest gift of this visit.
Will you help?
It may not mean much to you but this is family and we have to do what we can do. Our parents gave us so much and now we have to make their life special.Isn't Time that we think ahead before the end as we don't know what is around the corner and it goes for everyone.
Give your Grandparents,Parents,Your Family a Special moment that they may remember.
Show your Neighbor, Your Community, and the world that you believe in yourself as much as others. That we are not just human but Creative Beings!

I am not here to twist your arm to buy anything..To asked that question you have missed the point altogether!
We as humans can change the world from slavery to freedom for someone else;
We who have that word called Freedom can go to the shop- buy groceries-purchase a car or even a house, even if it is on credit;
We can move our hand into our pockets,wallets,purses,our credit card,and pull out that controlled piece of material we called currency and do what we want to..

Do you need to question and ask to what to do to put it into action?
Aren't you crying ,praying,visualising,or what ever you do for yourself..

So why not do it for someone else!

If you have to choose to give someone ten dollars...would you choose someone who needs it or just give?

How do we know, that ten dollars may just change this person between hunger and helping someone else? That person may see that this ten dollars was a blessing that he couldn't afford and 'Pay it Forward' to help that special person who really needed it.

Buddha (14K)
Come to the Astral Temple

Tell a friend:

Open to a new dimension and you will see the Inner world in a new Light.

Homepage...Megabonus...Personal Bio...Sitemap...Free gifts...
Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved.

Suzi Quatro the voice that made a difference to many young females lives. Thank You Suzi.

Suzi if you read this or someone tells you about it,remember Festival Hall in Brisbane Queensland Australia in 1974. I will always remember.

Let's remember this amazing female singer and her contribution to the time and to Rock...suziquatro (15K)